Progressive Beginner Bass


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This modern illustrated bass guitar course, designed by a professional bass guitar teacher, introduces all of the essential techniques you need to become an accomplished bass player. No previous musical knowledge is necessary as all basic aspects of playing and reading bass sheet music are covered in one fun and easy-to-understand book of bass guitar lessons.

With an emphasis on making music right from the start, these bass guitar lessons will teach you everything from tuning your bass and reading bass sheet music, through to creating your own bass lines for playing in a band. All the essential techniques and music fundamentals as they apply to playing bass are covered including standard music and bass guitar tab notation, basic music theory, bass guitar scales, playing with fingers or a pick and expressive techniques such as slides, accents, hammer-ons and ghost notes.

All theory is backed up with great sounding bass guitar songs, bass guitar riffs and arpeggios for a variety of styles including rock bass guitar, pop bass guitar, blues bass guitar and funk bass guitar. Comes with 1 DVD and 1 CD containing bass guitar video lessons showing a professional bass guitar teacher demonstrating how each example in the book should look and sound when played correctly with a band.